Dental Implants - FAQs

Frequently asked questions (FAQs) about dental implants

Due to the relative complexity of the dental implant process, many patients have questions and concerns about the procedure and what it entails. We would like to take this opportunity to answer majority of the common questions patients have about dental implants. We won’t be able to address all of the concerns in great detail, but this will provide a good overview for those unfamiliar with the procedure and what it involves.

What dental problems are associated with missing teeth?

There are numerous aesthetic problems and health concerns which are associated with missing teeth. Aesthetically, a smile that is missing teeth is less appealing, and can make a person with missing teeth feel self-conscious. As far as health is concerned, missing teeth reduce the strength and effectiveness of your bite, making you unable to properly chew. Loss of jawbone density and gum recession are also common in the area of the missing tooth or teeth. The remaining teeth may also gradually shift out of place over time.

What can dental implants do?

Dental implants can effectively hold dentures, dental bridges, and dental crowns in place as if they were natural tooth roots.

How long does the dental implants process take?

The dental implants process can take up to several months from beginning to end, and will vary on a case by case basis. This duration is mandatory in order to ensure the dental implants are properly integrated with the jawbone and gum tissue.

Who are good candidates for dental implants?

Good candidates for dental implants are people in good health with sufficient bone mass and gum density in place in order to support the dental implants.

What is the cost of dental implants?

The average cost of dental implants will vary depending on several factors, including the number of implants, the complexity of your case, and your geographic region. Typically the price will range between $1000-$4000 per dental implant.

How can I learn more about implant dentistry?

You can learn more about dental implants and how they can benefit you or someone that you know, please contact us today.

What are dental implants?

Dental implants are artificial tooth roots which are surgically embedded into your gum tissues and jawbone. They are made of titanium so they won’t be rejected by your body after the surgery.

How are dental implants placed?

Dental implants are placed in a multi-step process. The first step of the dental implants process starts with the consultation to determine whether dental implants are right for you. The second step is the oral surgery where the dental implants will be placed into your jawbone. The third step is the healing and recovery period, which during this time the dental implants fuse with your actual mouth structures, which is also known as osseointegration. The final and last step will be the permanent placement of the dental restoration.

How effective are dental implants?

Dental implants are quite effective. They can hold dental restorations in place securely as if they were natural tooth roots, and implant-supported dental restorations look better than removable dental restorations. Other benefits of dental implants include the elimination of issues such as gradual tooth misalignment, gum recession, and bone loss.

What treatments are available if I do not qualify for dental implants?

In some cases, patients who aren’t immediate candidates for dental implants may be able to undergo gum grafting or bone grafting. These procedures will build up those respective structures in the mouth so they are sturdy enough tto support dental implants. If patients aren’t eligible for those treatments, they can still get removable dental restorations.

Will dental implants be covered by my insurance?

In some cases, dental implants might be covered by your dental insurance or medical insurance which all depends on your provider. (It is important that you discuss this directly with your provider.) With this in mind, there are many payment plans and financing options for dental implants that are available to you.

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